Send us your stuff!
Solar: Okay, here's the deal on how to submit stuff. First you--

Tails: Lemme tell 'em.

Solar: Huh? Why?

Tails: Because I'll do something... not nice... if you don't. Fufufufu...

Solar: Er.. Okay okay.. You can tell them. o.o

Tails: I knew you'd see it my way...

Okay, here're the rules:

  1. First, if you know who made the MIDI's in our music pages that are marked Unknown, please let us know so we can credit them properly, or remove if the composer doesn't want them listed. =)

  2. Make sure the file(s) you're sending are less than 6MB. If not, we will not get your submission(s). Furthermore, emails will will be ignored if they're without a subject line. Include the category in the subject line, or the email will be deleted instantly. Categories are: Fanfic, Art, Comic, Hoax, Screenshot, Glitch, Music, Link & Tips.

  3. If you'd like to link to us, please let us know. We just might link back.

  4. We will not post images or stories of a sexual nature, or link to sites with porn/hentai material. I reckon there's a very good chance we'd get in serious trouble, and lose our site. If you feel your submission may be questionable, talk to us and we'll let ya know what's up or how to fix it.

  5. Put some effort into your art! Sure, we're not master artists by any stretch of the imagination, but we know when someone doesn't try their hardest to make their art the best it can be. If you didn't get on the site, try again later. Practice makes a difference!

  6. We will neither accept nor upload mp3 files of music of any sort, because they're big, our host would burn us, and people would kill the server's bandwidth from downloading. Besides, they're pretty easy to find elsewhere. Try Shadow of a Hedgehog. They've got lots of mp3's.

  7. Give credit where credit is due. If you send us material that's not your own creation, give credit (or if you can, ask) to the person/people who made it. We will not accept stolen submissions.

Tails: That about covers it.

Solar: Almost, you forgot the email. Send submissions, comments & questions to: